Pattern Gifting

Pattern Gifting

from $9.50

This item is for those who want to support my work financially by purchasing a pattern to pay it forward for the pattern to be available for another knitter who might not be able to afford it at this time.

I've done this in other formats before but the requests ended up getting lost and sustaining the process was difficult. This new format of purchasing a slot directly in my pattern shop will hopefully make this process easier and more accessible. It will also help as some gifters would like to stay anonymous.

Those who want to receive a gifted pattern, no questions asked at all. Your financial situation is your business and no one else's!

How it will work:

1. A gifter will make a purchase through this page by either selecting to donate a garment pattern, a shawl pattern, or a cowl/scarf pattern. They are three different price points.

2. A knitter who wants to receive a pattern will fill out this Google Form here to indicate what pattern they would like.

3. Pattern will then be emailed to the knitter who has requested one, as long as there are pattern donators/gifters.

Thank you so much for your support of my creative work and for allowing me to continue to create patterns while honoring the labor behind them and being able to provide them to more knitters everywhere!

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