Test Knitter of the Month - July
Each month I feature a test knitter from one (or more) of my designs!
My hope for a part of this blog is to feature the knitters who spend their time helping me execute a hand knitting pattern. Test knitting, especially garments, are a critical part of the design process and I wouldn’t be able to do it without their valuable feedback.
Sun and Solace Tee
Sun and Solace Tee
Wavelength Sweater
Test Knitter of the Month - July Feature: Lotta
How do you identify? Hi, my name is Lotta and I’m living in Germany. I’m 24 years old and living with my fiancé in a little Village.
How many years have you been knitting? What’s your knitting origin story? I started knitting when I was 4 years old. My Grandma told me how to knit and 6 years ago I needed to teach my mother again how to knit. Before that, I just knitted some rows in a year, not really sure if I wanted to finished the project. When I needed to teach my mother again how to knit, I got deeper in the rabbit hole and felt all the way down. And now I knit everything I want and help my mother from time to time.
Which pattern did you test knit? What size, if garment, and yarns did you use?
I’ve test knitted the “Sun and Solace Tee” (still one of my most favorite garments!!! I really need to knit one in fingering. I’ve knitted size 6 (I think) and I used a wonderful Merino Yarn by the German yarn dyer “Screaming colors”.
The second test knit I made for Tina, is the Wavelength Sweater. The yarn that I used where also from Screaming Colors and I think I knitted a size 5 or 6… sadly, I still can't find my notebook after our move early this year.
The last test knit I made, is the Odds and Ends cardigan. I’ve knitted a size 4 and love to wear it. But as the name has “ends” in it, there are still so many I need to weave in. So if you want to knit the Cardigan out of leftovers, don’t wait to weave in or use some other methods!
What is your favorite thing about test knitting or why do you test knit? Knitting is therapy for me. And when I’m test knitting, I know that there are some people that needed the pattern as much as I needed them some years ago. I want that everyone has the opportunity to knit and love what they made. I know how hard it can be, when the pattern are not correct or to hard for beginners even if it says “beginner friendly”. So to test knit, is for me an opportunity to give someone a chance so fall in love with knitting and maybe find also knitting as a therapy for them.
What other making superpowers do you have? I love to Sew and Weave. I don’t really like to crochet, but when a see a cute animal I can’t resist making them. Lately I’m a trainee as an occupational therapist and sew so many things, that I really want to change my whole wardrobe into a handmade wardrobe… maybe one day.
Where can readers find your makes? I have an Instagram account (@moon.child.crafts). At the moment I don’t have the time to post often, but I always like to look what the people made or help if I can.
What other aspects of life are you passionate about besides making? I’m really love to play violin, playing Video games or watch series/anime. I often learn to play theme songs from my favorite anime’s or listen to the music.
When I’m driving or knitting, I’m listening to a physic podcast “sag mal du als Physiker” (a German Podcast, translated it’s like “tell me you as an physicist“). I’m currently started to read again, but still searching for good English books (most fantasy or novels) so if you have some recommendations I would love to read them!